La edad de los metales fue un periodo en la prehistoria que duró 5.000 años. En la edad de los metales comían lo que cazaban, lo que cultivaban y lo que pescaban. Ya no eran nómadas sino sedentarios, pero eso tenía sus desventajas. En la edad de los metales usaban los hierros para hacer armas, escudos, cascos, etc... Después de que se descubrieran los hierros pasaron del Neolitico a la Edad de los metales. COPPER AGE The Copper Age is the age that came right before the Bronze age. This was the age in which we began to evolve from the Stone Age. The reason why The Copper Age was so important is that before, in The Stone Age, everything we made was muscle-driven, but then they found an easier way to get through life, Copper. Now they could just hammer trees down instead of working on pushing it down for weeks. They could make nails, and roofs with Copper. And without this age there would not have been the Bronze Age, or the Iron Age, which were both also impo...